What does enviromental education mean?
“We did not inherit the Earth from our fathers, we borrowed it from our grandchildren” – goes the proverb of the famous environmental activist, David Brower. Brower has always attempted to draw attention to the unsustainable exploitation of our natural resources and how we must consider the interests of future generations. Unfortunately, not everyone is as forethoughtful as Brower.
We are often unaware of the environmental impacts of our daily activities.
We must actively pursue sustainability for a liveable planet. But, in order to do so, we must first gain the necessary knowledge and learn to live in harmony with our environment. We have to use Earth’s limited resources wisely, preferring renewables over non-renewables. Due to the increasing severity of the environmental crisis we must pass on to future generations the love, respect, and appreciation for nature.
They are the ones who can make a difference for the environment starting from their youngest years. According to recent experiences, the most effective way to engage this generation is awareness-raising and sensitizing environmental education. This method teaches young people about organisms and ecological systems. At the same time it clarifies their responsibility in the environmental crisis in a solution-oriented manner.
We currently offer two environmental education programs in secondary schools around the country. Lenovo Hungary supports our environmental education initiative, WWF for Children. The program aims to present different local ecosystems with the use of VR headsets. The 2*60-minute sessions discuss the value of biodiversity, the concept of ecological footprint, and playfully illustrate a social trap with an environmental example: “The tragedy of the commons”. The complex theatre education performance BLINDSPOT (VAKFOLT) is a collaborative effort with KÁVA Theatre. The performance is followed by a workshop where we demonstrate through historical events how humans unknowingly disturb ecological networks and what actions we can take to protect our environment.