Privacy statement

The website is operated by and the content is the property of the WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary Foundation (hereinafter: WWF) Permission is granted to use or cite all information published on this website in order to educate, raise awareness, or inform people, if the source is indicated. Photos, illustrations are subject to copyright, permission to use must be obtained.

When you sign a petition, WWF records your name and email address, which you provide voluntarily.

WWF reserves the right to remove any information or data from the site, without prior notice. WWF shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of information of the site or resulted by the visit to its pages.

WWF’s panda symbol and the letters “WWF” are registered trademarks at the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office under registration number 001843077 for WWF Hungary.

Personal data management

WWF only collects and processes personal data provided voluntarily by visitors. We need these data for providing and developing our site’s services. By providing your personal data, you consent to the use of these information for the above purposes. WWF will treat your personal data in accordance with the legislation in force (Act CXII. of 2011.) and stores them until they are necessary for the above purposes or until you withdraw your consent to process your data.

Under no circumstances WWF provides, transmits, or discloses the personal data to third parties, other than the company responsible for processing data, unless it is required by law, authorities or court.

You can subscribe to our newsletters after registration, by stating your name and your e-mail address. You can unsubscribe from the monthly e-newsletters and delete your data at any time by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of the Newsletter.

WWF reserves the right to suspend the registered membership or registration of anyone who violates the legislation in force.

Cookie Policy

WWF uses Google Analytics for tracking website activity. For tracking website activity, the service uses cookies and collects profile and status information, like browser types, date and time of access, etc. By using the website, the visitor accepts cookies. Cookies are necessary data for the mechanism of the website, which are stored temporarily on the computer’s hard disk drive as the user is browsing on the website. Cookies alone are not able to identify visitors and they are deleted when you leave the site according to your browser settings.

WWF Hungary – Complaints management policy

WWF Hungary Foundation provides information about the organization’s campaigns, programmes through its publicly available website ( We make sure our supporters or other individuals to make complaints, suggestions or share comments.

If you have any problem, please contact us:

-By e-mail:

-By post: H-1141 Budapest, Álmos vezér útja 69/a, Hungary; postal address: H-1399 Budapest, p.o. box 694/112. 694/112

-By phone: + 36 1 214 5554

-By fax: +36 1 212 9353

Customer service availability: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

In case of any complaint, please state your name, contact details and the brief explanation of your problem to our colleagues.

Complaints handling policy:

Complaints and grievances should be submitted in writing, directly to the Foundation in the first instance, but not exceeding 2 workdays after becoming aware of the problem. The complaints are immediately registered by the Foundation and the complainant will be informed about the Foundation’s position as soon as possible or within a maximum of 10 days.

The legitimacy and the acceptance of complaints, as well as the designation of the person responsible for complaints management, and the enforcement deadline are decided by the Director of the Foundation. After terminating the complaint procedure, all notes related to the specific complaint, grievance or its examination are kept for 5 years by the Foundation. Furthermore, the Foundation informs the complainant about the set of corrective action, its expected result and the deadline of implementation.

Data protection complaint handling

The individual concerned has the following rights in the instance referred to in Article 6(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, where the submission of personal data is required for the formation and fulfillment of a contractual obligation:

  1. You can request access to your data in the following sections:

– purpose of data processing

– the categories of personal data concerned;

– the receivers or groups of recipients to whom the personal data were disclosed, including recipients in third countries and international organizations;

– the intended interval of storage of the personal data.

  1. You can request the deletion of your data below:

– your personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was acquired or processed in any other way;

– Personal data were unlawfully processed.

  1. You have the right to seek the correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data at any time.
  2. In the situations of erasure and rectification, you may request that your data be restricted.
  3. Request data portability (get personal data provided to the controller in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format) and the right to have those data sent to another controller without interference from the controller to whom the personal data was provided.
  4. You may file a complaint using one of the following contact information:


Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Headquarters: Budapest, 1125 Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c

Postal Address: Budapest, 1530 Pf.: 5.

Tel.: +36 (1) 391-1400

Central e-mail address:


For more information on data management, please contact Aurika Farkas, WWF Hungary’s Data Protection Officer, at the following address:

Postal Address: H-1141 Budapest, Álmos vezér útja 69/a

Tel.: +36 (1) 214 55 54

E-mail address:


If you have any requests or questions about data processing, please write to Budapest, 1399. Pf. 694/112 or send an email to Our responses will be sent to the address you enter as soon as possible, and within 30 days at the latest.

Handling data protection incidents

WWF, as the data controller, has put in place adequate technical, organizational, and security safeguards to protect personal data. These are constantly examined and evaluated. If a data breach is suspected, WWF will examine the situation as soon as possible, and if a data breach has occurred:

– Report the data protection incident to the appropriate supervisory authority (where required by law) as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it;

– Where a personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to natural persons’ rights and freedoms, the data controller must notify the data subject of the breach without undue delay.

– The data controller maintains a record of data breaches.

Our supporters’ rights

Our existing and potential supporters and donees have the possibility to discover the objective, schedule and methods of our organization’s fundraising activities as well as the use of the collected donations. Through the complaint management process, the complainant has the right to stay in anonymity and to confidential data treatment.

Enjoy browsing our website: WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary Foundation